Fresh Strategy: Oh Ramona
You’d be surprised the conversations I’ve had over a great panini. Perched upon a stool with pesto dripping from my palms is my ideal business meeting.
Cara wanted a framework to grow. She was stocking my label: Khòlò at her own clothing store in Hawthorn and her customers raved about us.
Noticing their love for the brand, Cara said, “I want to do that. I want to create the same vibe you have.”
Me: Too easy.
Typically, a Marketing Strategy document gets handed around. From business owner to the designer jumping in on Canva. Sometimes it gets into the hands of a junior social media student and more often than not, financial advisors want a peek too.
Wherever it landed: I wanted to make sure it was FUN. Playful and PACKED. With the geeky bits too.
Call me a people pleaser if you will. I refuse to lose brownie points.
One of the earliest mocks done to show the team how the logo would look in an IRL sitch.
I believe in energy. I believe it is the ROOT of our power. Whilst I give really grounded How-To-Guides, I will also question a clients beliefs and ensure they’re aware of their mental blocks.
I’ve worked on strategy for corporates and in this instance, Cara was (at the time) a one-woman-band. Since working with me, she’s grown her team by two and look at her colossal review of 2024. It was critical for me to comprehend her resources, her ambition, her own strengths and weaknesses and where she might doubt herself most.
In my strategy kit, I go thru the client’s needs and wants for their business.
It is not a pre-set template. It is built to flow with my client.
In Cara’s case, we added the Facebook Ads Strategy later as she found more time and I saw her curious to dabble.
Some highlights of her ideal list were; Goals, SWOT Analysis, A Marketing Guide, Easy Options and “I’ve-Got-Time" Options, Customer Loyalty and a 12 Month Planner.
A Marketing Strategy document should never be done. It is always, always, always a work in progress.
The moment its done, is the moment your brand starts its downwards turn.
That said, you don’t need me to keep it alive.
Although a lot of my clients do choose that option.
It’s the regular assessment, the flex. Perpetual.
Data. Numbers. Reflection. Without it, it’s just fluff.
I provided Cara with Review Checklists and we’ll have routine check ins.
That is how we grow-better.